How Our Mailbox Rental Service Works?

Choose Your Plan

Choose Your Plan

We offer different mailbox rental plans to fit your needs

Contact Us

Contact Us

You can direct visit our store for getting your own mailbox address

Provide Documentation

Provide Documentation

Some documentation needed to verify your identity and address

Access your Mailbox Anytime

Access your Mailbox Anytime

You can access your private mailbox anytime during our business hours

Receive Email Notifications

Receive Email Notifications

We'll send you email notifications whenever we receive mail or packages on your behalf

Pick Up or Drop Off

Pick Up or Drop Off

You can come to our store during business hours to pick it up. Alternatively, we can ship to you

What We Offer

Mail Forwarding

Mail Forwarding

Our flexible mail forwarding service allows you to receive your physical mail from any location. Simply select your preferred mailing address and take control of your postal mail at any time, day or night.

Virtual Business Address

Virtual Business Address

Acquire a renowned digital business location from over 600 American business addresses at budget-friendly rates for your virtual office space

Virtual Mailbox

Virtual Mailbox

Access and monitor your postal mail through a virtual mailbox that has an authentic US street address. Keep track of your mail and packages at any time and from any location using any electronic device.

Package Forwarding

Package Forwarding

Efficiently handle your global purchases and parcels through cost-effective package forwarding solutions accessible worldwide. Avail our competitive shipping fees and complimentary warehousing services.

Mail Scanning

Mail Scanning

You can have your postal mail scanned by our mail scanning service. Our team of operators and scanners work together to provide you with a digital mailbox where you can view scanned images of your postal mail and packages.

Choose a Plan Or Contact Us


Bifold Brochure

Mail Only

2 Free Family Names

Box and Package Receiving

Business Name





Personal Mailbox Rental

Mail Only

2 Free Family Names

Box and Package Receiving

Business Name






Business Mailbox Rental

Mail Only

2 Free Family Names

Box and Package Receiving

Business Name





Business Mailbox Rental

Mail Only

2 Free Family Names

Box and Package Receiving

Business Name





Examples of Mailbox Rental

Can't find what you're looking for?

If you're looking for something that isn't listed on our website, please don't hesitate to contact us for a bespoke quotation. Call us on (212) 599 3103 or click here to be taken to our contact form.

Start getting all facilities of mailbox rental and contact us today!